Board of Directors

Craig Ota
Dr. Craig Ota has over 50 years of experience as an entrepreneur, investor, and consultant. He currently resides in Orange County and has been involved in his community both as a Coach and as a Board Member for a former banking insitution. He is a founding board member for Serving Advantage and has a grandson who is diagnosed on the autism spectrum. Dr. Ota graduated from the University of Southern California with a Doctor of Dental Surgery.

Julie Chassagne
A native Southern Californian, Julie believes deeply in making a difference and the most impactful way to make a difference is to support your local community. Start small and be the drop in a lake that ripples outward, positively affecting a broader group. She started volunteer work at a young age, joining volunteer groups doing everything from being a regular blood donor to building houses as well as supporting fundraisers. Currently, she also serves as a board member and treasurer of Tustin Police Foundation and makes time to continue volunteerism when she’s not working in her corporate accounting job.

Mike Nelson
Mike Nelson has been Owner/Operator of the Anaheim Tennis Center since 2007. He has been coaching tennis for 40 years and is a two time adult National Champion. Mike is an Elite Tennis Coach for the United States Tennis Association (“USTA”), certified by the United States Professional Tennis Association (“USPTA”), and has personally coached eight national junior champions, including Adam Peterson 1990, Lindsey Nelson in 2001 and Kaitlyn Christian in 2006. He is also a professional coach on the WTA and ATP Tennis tour. Mike played his college tennis at Portland State University and graduated in 1977.

Randi Ann Ethridge
Randi Ann Ethridge, is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and Executive Director at Creative Solutions for Hope and has been in the field for over 25 years. She has a strong passion for early intervention for clients with special needs, specifically autism and currently works with clients ranging from 1 year old to 22 years old and up. Randi Ann shares her passion through ongoing trainings for new candidates interested in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis through company trainings and working along side amazing programs such as Serving Advantage.

Regi Buenviaje
Regi Buenviaje is the Elite Head Coach for Anaheim Tennis Center and has been coaching at Anaheim for the past 20+ years. Regi is USPTA certified and helped coach Usta SoCal zonal teams. Regi has coached numerous ranked players that eventually played division 1 college tennis. Regi was highly ranked in USTA juniors and played many national level tournaments.

Roger Kuo
Roger Kuo is a marketing and interactive design veteran, with over 15 years of leadership experience in both traditional and interactive agency settings. As a founder and partner of Zther Interactive, Roger worked with top apparel brands such as GUESS, True Religion, Charles David and Joie. Under his leadership, Zther became the most awarded interactive shop on the west coast for apparel and was acquired by Nogin in 2018. Currently, Roger leads the corporate marketing department at Nogin. Before founding Zther Interactive, Roger was an award-winning designer at the Boston Globe and an Art Director at the Los Angeles Times. Roger graduated from the University of California San Diego with a degree in Communications and Visual Arts.